Should You Have Your Furnace System Serviced Every Year

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Should You Have Your Furnace System Serviced Every Year?

As we move into fall and winter, we’ll all be turning on our furnaces to ward off the coming chill. But after sitting dormant all summer, how do you know it’s ready to tackle the winter ahead?

Many people question whether having your furnace serviced every year is a waste of money, but with how long and hard our furnaces work every season, it’s good to get a professional service every year.

What Are the Benefits of Having Your Furnace Serviced Yearly?

I don’t need to tell you about how dry and cold our winters get in the Prairies, and it can singlehandedly push your furnace to the limits. Having your furnace serviced once a year, either in the spring or fall, can benefit your furnace in several ways.

Cleaning Your Furnace Increases Energy Efficiency

When your furnace hasn’t been serviced in a while, minor problems can decrease the efficiency of your furnace. Even if you have the most energy-efficient furnace on the market, it still requires regular maintenance to perform safely and powerfully.

The Longevity of Your Furnace Increases with Regular Service

Preventative maintenance on your furnace can increase its lifespan incredibly. If you spot problems early, they’re typically quicker – and less expensive – to fix. But by avoiding service, you run the risk of having minor issues turn into big, unrecoverable problems.

with annual service, your furnace will be ready for winter… even if you’re not

One guaranteed way to ruin your day would be to come home at the end of a long day to a dead furnace while it’s -30° C outside. With an annual furnace service, you reduce the risk of your furnace breaking down when you need it the most.

Your furnace is something that you need to service proactively and continuously. It’s easier on your wallet to choose scheduled maintenance every year rather than deal with any costly and inconvenient emergency repairs. After you do an annual service, your furnace will be ready for the winter, even if you’re not.