Why Is a Humidifier Important in Winter?

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Why Is a Humidifier Important in Winter?

Dry winter air is all around us when we’re outside. It’s the feeling of all the moisture leaving your skin to the point of pain. But without a humidifier, your home isn’t much better.

What Does a Humidifier Do?

Humidifiers add moisture (or humidity) into the air of your home. Moisture in the air helps improve air quality and makes your home more comfortable.

Not only is a humidifier beneficial for the people in your household, but it’s also good for your house. Dry air may compromise your home’s energy efficiency in your furnace. If you have features like wood floors and furniture, they could also benefit from some moisture in the air.

What are the Health Benefits of Having a Humidifier in Winter?

Dry air can affect the mucus membranes in your body, so a lack of humidity can cause nosebleeds, nasal passage congestion, and irritated throat or eyes. Dry air can also intensify asthma, allergies and make common colds and cases of flu more contagious.

Your skin is primarily made up of water, so skin discomfort is common in the dry winter air. Dry lips, skin rashes, psoriasis and eczema flare-ups and general skin irritation are more common in the winter. This is especially true at night when we’re not drinking water.

Having a humidifier in your home can help reduce the severity or prevent these conditions.

How Much Moisture is Too Much Moisture?

When you install a humidifier, there will be a meter to tell you how much moisture is in the air at a given time. You should set your humidifier somewhere in the range of 30% to 45%. Once you exceed 50%, the excess moisture can cause damage to your home.

How to Choose a Humidifier?

The size of your home will influence what kind of humidifier you need. Depending on the square footage, some models will fit better than others. You should reach out to qualified and experienced technicians for advice and guidance.